10x Your Chances to Get into the Ivy League
With former admissions directors, students and alumni from:
5%. That's the average acceptance rate across the Ivies and top-10 universities. BUT, some students have a 75% chance. What do they do differently?
April 27, join a free, interactive workshop to learn directly from former admissions officers at the most prestigious colleges in the world on how to craft a profile that stands OUT to actually get IN.
What You'll Learn:
The #1 differentiator that top-20 colleges look for
Hint - It's not grades or test scores!
How to create a world-class extracurricular strategy
How to develop your own "Stand Out Factor"
🚨This event is hands-on and interactive! You won't just be passively listening to some generic advice... You'll be putting it into action and applying it to create your OWN stand-out factor and world-class extracurricular strategy.
What you'll walk away with:
A world-class extracurricular strategy based on your unique interests and passions.
A clear plan to create and launch your own passion project.
A one-liner statement to communicate your passion project on college applications.
Who Should Attend:
Current 8th, 9th and 10th grade students.
This event is geared for students. If you are a parent, please have your son or daughter register to attend.
🚨As we have limited spots, students must apply with a few short questions in order to be able to attend. Priority will be given to students who demonstrate motivation.
Meet the Speakers:
Plus, hear from newly admitted students from:
BONUS! Get your FREE copy of:
All attendees will get a FREE copy of The Ivy League Roadmap by Andreas Stamatakis (a $29.99 value). With over 10,000 copies sold and 100's of readers admitted to Ivy League Universities, this is the go-to resource for crafting a stand out application. Be sure to join us live to get your copy!
Limited Spots Available. Register to grab yours Today.
Brought to you by Prequel AlphaX.