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Triggers, Traumas & Toxicities: The Art and Science of Letting Go

Hosted by Dr. Steve Fonso
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How To Dissolve Triggers, Traumas and Toxicities:

Imagine for a moment that the very things that trigger you, that feel traumatic, and that are anchored in as toxically negative in your life, were cleared. You were free of them. Your mind was clear, you felt present, you felt light. 

That, is actually a completely reasonable request. Except most people were not taught how to actually think through these properly. They stay stuck in emotional stories and loops. As we were growing up, we were told by our parents and teachers to be nice, kind, gentle, to share, to respect...and we were never told what to do, if someone crosses boundaries, if they are nasty, and ultimately if others don't follow the plan..

Hence, we carry and lug around emotional baggage, that destroys our health and consumes our mind. 

I have been trained in systems thinking, and have applied this with my patients for close to two decades. It is a specific way to look at the world, which will allow you to interpret your reality in a completely revolutionary and new way. Why is this important? Because it trains your mind to let go. And letting go is where presence and love resides. It is where you learn how to breakthrough your own stories and limitations. 

"I’ve definitely spent a lot of time thinking from the new perspective. It’s actually taken me to a whole other level of consideration, that may be more stressful or exhausting because I now take ownership… I’m not sure. it’s definitely been a life altering experience. I guess now I’m adjusting to living from a new mindset. I’m eternally grateful, and I wouldn’t have changed it for the world. I really appreciate your help in getting this new insight. Thank you again, I really appreciate it. "

- Tareyn Johnson-Reid- Professor

Join me for an incredibly insightful and transformative workshop, where I take your mind to new places, to see life like you haven't seen before. Come with your challenge, leave with your own empowered solution.