For Family Offices, VCs, Institutional Treasuries and Investors.
We'll be discussing decentralized finance (DEFI) - staking, transition to a new banking economy and discussing current opportunities and risk with decentralized finance.
Our Partners:
Altura - Building the Next Generation of Gaming.
Bitget - Bitget is the world's leading cryptocurrency exchange and web3 company. Serving over 20 million users in 100+ countries and regions, the Bitget exchange is committed to helping users trade smarter with its pioneering copy trading feature and other trading solutions.
Conflux - Conflux is a decentralized blockchain and the only regulatory compliant chain out of China that aims to connect Asian-based communities and ecosystems with those outside, including western-based networks.
We are looking forward to having you with us for the morning, the afternoon is for startups and VC investors, you can see more details on Web3 Toronto x Canada Crypto Week and our events here: https://lu.ma/web3tocal
By Web3 Toronto