Fireside Chat: Symphony Director and Bank CEO
Former Bank Executive and now... Interim Executive Director of the Spokane Symphony... Yes, that is what Russ Lee is doing in his "retirement".
Come hear his story during a Fireside Chat!
His LinkedIn profile states, "This time for LOVE". I not only can feel the passion behind this statement but I can not wait for him to tell the story of putting his passion and skills to work to make a difference for something he loves!
This is going to be a great night of gathering in Spokane to hear the story of a great local leader who loves the town. Come join us!
Build_ Spokane hosts events like this to help you find a community focused on setting positive goals, growing toward them, and gathering to celebrate your journey and the journey of others like you. Get your free ticket today—it's important that you register so we can manage capacity and plan for the event. Feel free to share this invite with a friend or neighbor. Once you register we will send more info.
See you there!