DC Tech Meetup #86 : FinTech Summit Edition
DC Tech Meetup is focused on highlighting innovation and bringing the tech community of DC together - and this month we're focusing on FinTech!
Every month you'll see product demos from companies based right here in the DMV. No pitches, no sales, just tech.
This month's FinTech Edition of DC Tech Meetup is brought to you by the Department of Insurance, Securities, and Banking (DISB).
We are hosting DCTM in a new location this month, the International Square building, as part of the Global Innovation Series in the Penn West Equity and Innovation District—be sure to check out the other events going on on the Penn West Global Innovation Series Calendar.
To find the Conference Center at International Square, proceed to the 1875 Eye Lobby (located nearest the circular center bar inside The Square), then take the elevators to LL.
If you have issues finding us, ask one of the lobby attendants in blue suits stationed around the atrium.
DC Tech Meetup Agenda
[5:30pm] Networking
[6:00pm] Welcome
[6:10pm] DC Tech Demos #1:
Christian Duffus @ Fonbnk - Fonbnk connects mobile-first, cash-based economies to Web3 by converting prepaid mobile payments into stablecoins, offering seamless access to top L1 and L2 protocols through easy-to-use no-code and low-code tools.
Sasha Ramani @ MPower Financing - MPOWER Financing's platform provides an innovative, data-driven approach to student financing, leveraging advanced analytics to offer loans without requiring a cosigner or credit history. By integrating fintech solutions, it empowers international and DACA students to access higher education through a streamlined, digital-first experience.
Fonta Gilliam @ Wellthi - Wellthi is a virtual branch that helps financial institutions deepen member relationships & cultivate cross-selling opportunities inside their mobile banking app. We lead generation rate is 56% higher than the industry standard.
[6:40pm] Keynote - Fonbnk’s founder, Christian Duffus, will share the founding story of Fonbnk and discuss the state of fintech in the DMV.
[7:00pm] DC Tech Demos #2:
Aenoi Chanthavong @ Waya - Waya is a US-based digital banking startup, providing affordable and all-inclusive banking services to underprivileged communities and empowering such communities through financial services, which they are unable to access due to social, economic and geographical roadblocks.
Mit Shah @ Method - Method Financial’s authentication technology allows instant access to a consumer’s full liability portfolio using just personal information and consent, eliminating the need for usernames and passwords. Once connected, Method leverages integrations with over 15,000 financial institutions to stream up-to-date, high fidelity data from users’ accounts and to facilitate payment to them.
[7:20pm] Community Open Mic: This is your chance to introduce yourself to the room in 20 seconds and pitch YOUR thing!
[7:30pm] Happy Hour: We'll head to a local bar to continue the conversation!
We hope you'll join us for this cornerstone event for DC tech - bringing together startups, investors, specialists, and industry leaders for an evening of cool tech, important ideas, and great people.
p.s. We're already set with our demo companies for this month, but if you'd like to be considered to demo at a future DC Tech Meetup, apply here!