Cover Image for Chess JAM ♟️⛓️
Cover Image for Chess JAM ♟️⛓️
Avatar for ChessOnChain
Presented by
The MultiChain Chess Collective
61 Went

Chess JAM ♟️⛓️

Past Event
Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event

🏆 ChessOnChain Polkadot Tournament Registration ♟️

Participate in chess gaming and compete with friends on the Polkadot blockchain .

Join the Polkadot Leaderboard for a chance to compete, win rewards, and leave your mark.

Players will be selected weekly on each category, based on community engagement, merit , invitation , contests and random selection.

NOTE: Before registration, To be eligible for any category you must be on the ChessOnChain Polkadot leaderboard and on our telegram community

💥 Benefits

  • Rewards in USDT and ChessOnChain collectibles : Compete for incredible 💰 prizes across various tournament tracks.

  • Reputation/History: Your games are going to be recorded on-chain, you’ll be a polkadot chess champion.

  • Connect with the Community: Engage with chess enthusiasts and blockchain innovators .

  • FUN : Chess gaming is always fun 🤩

CHESS JAM Tournament Tracks

CHESS JAM offers six tournament tracks inspired by the classic chess pieces, each designed for a tiered level of challenge. Whether you’re new to chess or a seasoned competitor, there’s a track for every player.

1. Pawn Tournament Track (Beginner-Friendly)

  • Overview: The Pawn track is perfect for beginners or casual players. It’s an entry-level tournament where new players can experience competitive play without the intense pressure of advanced strategies.

  • Rewards: Earn collectible ChessOnChain Nfts and a series of cash prizes.

2. Knight Tournament Track (Creative Tactics)

  • Overview: The Knight track is ideal for intermediate players looking to experiment with new tactics and test unique game approaches.

  • Rewards: Earn collectible ChessOnChain Nfts and a series of cash prizes.

3. Bishop Tournament Track

  • Overview: The Bishop track challenges participants to strategize based on long-term positioning for relatively Advanced Players

  • Rewards: Earn collectible ChessOnChain Nfts and a series of cash prizes.

4. Rook Tournament Track

  • Overview: The Rook track caters to players whose skills are Profound and are advanced in Chess

  • Rewards: Earn collectible ChessOnChain Nfts and a series of cash prizes.

5. Queen Tournament Track

  • Overview: This advanced-level track is for serious competitors looking for a challenging environment.

  • Rewards: Earn collectible ChessOnChain Nfts and a series of cash prizes.

6. King Tournament Track (

  • Overview: The King track is ChessOnChain’s most prestigious tournament, intended for top-tier players. This is the ultimate battlefield for those who seek the pinnacle of chess competition.

  • Rewards: Earn collectible ChessOnChain Nfts and a series of cash prizes.

Register and get on the leaderboard NOW!

Don't miss your chance to participate in this revolutionary chess experience! Register now and take your first move toward victory in the Chess JAM Tournament!

Sign up today!

Avatar for ChessOnChain
Presented by
The MultiChain Chess Collective
61 Went