Crypto Drinks - Amsterdam - Summer Edition ☀️
☀️ CryptoDrinks Summer Vondelpark Edition ☀️
Let's celebrate summer outdoors! Join us for the CryptoDrinks Summer Edition at the beautiful Vondelpark - Proeflokaal ‘t Blauwe Theehuis. Enjoy (hopefully) good weather and great company. No set agenda, just mingling and a game of Jeu de Boules. 🎉
🍺 6:30 PM - CryptoDrinks - 🚀 Free while it lasts!
Whether you have questions about crypto, need a co-founder for your startup, or just want to meet like-minded folks, you're welcome to join us!
🎱 7PM - 8:30PM - Jeu de Boules. Game on! - Free! 🔥
There will be one court reserved for us for us to play Jeu de Boules in the terrace.
Meetup sponsors
Edge, get Edge to manage all of your crypto assets.
Bitvavo, the biggest crypto exchange in the Netherlands!
VanEck, founded in 1955, they offer innovative passive and active investment strategies.
CryptoCanal offer education, event and consultancy services for the crypto industry and we're not afraid to be political. We organise ETHDam, an annual conference and hackathon in the heart Amsterdam.
Follow us on Twitter and join our Telegram group for the daily updates.
NB. Pictures and videos that might be used for promotional purposes will be taken during the event.
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