Cover Image for Showing up authentically: what happens in your life and career when you stand out.

Showing up authentically: what happens in your life and career when you stand out.

Hosted by WaveMakers, Gabriela Garreau & Adama Sankhare
Past Event
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About Event

Are you tired of faking who you are? 😔

Tired of trying to make others like you more? 😔

Are you tired of pretending to be perfect to look great to your colleagues and peers? 😔

If so, you need to stand out and show up authentically! Standing out requires you to be yourself and speak your truth, no matter what others think of you. 🚀

About the WaveMakers Connect Event:

If you are ready to show up authentically, join this event and learn why it’s time to put yourself first, how to go about doing so, and the amazing things that will happen when you do!

Our speaker Adama Sankharé will share her journey and how showing up authentically helped her get her dream job at Ericsson.

In this session you will learn how to:

🌊 The importance of taking ownership of your life experience

🌊 How and why to stand out for yourself

🌊 How your personal brand can reflect who you really are!

When? Tuesday, Sept 6, 6-7 PM CET
Where? On Zoom  🥳👀


About the Speaker :

Adama Sankhare Djigo is a Senegalese mother of 3 boys and one baby girl. She has a masters degree in design engineering and exec MBA from HEC Paris.  After a journey in the IT industry as a Software Developer, she joined Ericsson in 2007 in Senegal as an Integration Engineer. Thanks to job opportunities, she moved from Senegal 10 years ago to live in Nairobi (Kenya) and then Johannesburg (South Africa) before relocating to Paris (France).

Adama says: “I am open-minded and willing to discover, share and contribute in a meaningful way; I do appreciate every single moment in my life, be it at work or in my personal life. One of my mottos is: ‘there is nothing better than feeling alive, and there are so many great things we can achieve while we are healthy”.

About WaveMakers:
WaveMakers empowers diverse, authentic leaders and leaders-to-be. Because leadership is not a job title - it’s a decision that you can make, and a mindset that we can help you foster. Follow us on LinkedIn and Instagram for more leadership and self-empowerment content.