Critical Ventures: Investing in National Security Materials
Join us for an exclusive event that brings together innovators, investors, and industry leaders in the field of critical materials. Learn about groundbreaking advancements, emerging investment opportunities, and the vital role of these materials in enhancing national resilience and security. Registration is free!
Presented by:
Utah Mining Association
Critical Minerals Institute
Park City Angels
10:00 AM: Welcome - 47G
Morning Sessions:
Growth in Global Critical Minerals Demand – Melissa Barbanell, Director U.S. International Engagement at the World Resources Institute
Critical Minerals as a National Imperative – Department of Energy, Evan Granite
Why Utah? – Andrew Rupke
Fireside Chat – Jack Lifton & Guy Letendre, Critical Minerals Institute and 47G
Lunch Break
Afternoon Sessions: Critical Materials Companies
NexGen Materials – Michael Riley, Founder and CEO
Nevada Organic Phosphate – Robin Dow, Chairman and CEO
GreenTech Metals – Basil Botha, President and CEO
GlycoSurf – Chett Boxley, CEO
Scandium Canada – Guy Bourassa, CEO
Lilac Solutions - Matthew Ganser, SVP, Sales & Government Affairs
3:00 PM: End