Cover Image for Women in Climate Meetup (virtual global meetup)

Women in Climate Meetup (virtual global meetup)

This is a multi-session event. Please choose the sessions you would like to register for.
About Event

This is a monthly virtual (via zoom) meetup for women who work in, or want to work in, climate. 

1. Welcome + general housekeeping
2. Introduction of guests + facilitators
3. Go into break out room of choice (see below)
4. Move through topics in order of highest to lowest votes (7 min per topic)

We will use a Lean Coffee format, where we co-create the agenda real-time and get through the topics that are most interesting to the group. Each month we'll pick an industry learning theme and a jobs related theme to focus on.

For May 2024's session we'll be featuring a great line up - we will have:

Room 1: Learn about Sustainable Aviation Fuel Industry and the Program Management Function  

Guest: Beth Olsson is the Vice President of Technical Program Management at Twelve, the Carbon Transformation company. Twelve produces power to liquid jet fuel made from CO2, and Beth produces the structural and organizational ethos that makes that work possible. Beth loves working with teams to create simple systems to expedite informed decision-making that enables us to do the right things, quickly.

Room 2:  Learn about Distributed Energy Systems and the Operations Generalist Function 

Guest:  Sydney Larson leads Customer Support, Service Engineering, and Field Service for SPAN, a smart home electrical panel company. She's focused her career in early and growth stage startups and in a variety of operational functions, primarily within energy/energy adjacent companies (Sunrun, Anganza)  with a brief detour founding and growing a women-focused e-commerce company.

This is a casual event so come when you can and no worries if you miss a month. It's helpful to RSVP each month so we have a sense of who is joining or not.

Please reach out with questions or feedback. Anyone is welcome who identifies as a woman, no matter your climate experience.