Tara Greene

Voted #1 Tarot Reader, Pro Astrologer, Psychic, Goddess workshops. Media 416 230 5347.

Hi, welcome,

Are you ready for clarity, joy, understanding, more peace and self-empowerment? You've been drawn to the right place.

I provide authentic, accurate, enlightening in-depth Spiritual, practical and psychological insights to help you transform your life for the better.

I'm honoured to be your go-to Mystic Guide. Tap into my natural-born intuitive gifts, 30 years of experience as a professional Astrologer, Tarot Reader and Psychic and a lifetime of spiritual, shamanic and mystical studies.

I'm a double-Sagittarius. I have always been fascinated with mysticism, dreamwork, transformational psychotherapy, art, shamanism and Goddess spirituality.

I use metaphysical tools to help you connect with your Higher Self, to help you walk your Soul's path in love and beauty.


Find Me on YouTube

Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor birth chart June 6
When Does the Age of Aquarius Start?
Auntie Jillian has a Tarot Card reading from Tara Greene