ship-it week 7 🚒

Hosted by Harish Viswa & 10 others
Past Event
Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event

​calling all self-described (and aspiring β—‘Μˆ) builders, artists, engineers, creators, writers, designers, programmers, researchers & makers of all kinds: come to a space to make progress on your ideas.

​​​​​​​​to "ship" is to deliver progress, ​to deliver new features, or to get your work in front of people.

​​​​​​​​welcome to ship-it!

​​​​​​RSVP by filling out this form if you're planning on coming - this will help us manage how much food to get + other logistics! && join our groupme for more casual convos + to vote on the food we get this wk.


  • ​​​​TSQ ATL, 848 Spring St. NW, Atlanta GA 30308

  • ​​​​​​​​​Come between 6:15-6:30, hosts will be there earlier; please come by 6:35 at the latest, hard start at 6:40

​​​​​​​​this week's agenda

​​​​​​6:40pm - 6:50pm β€” host intros
6:50pm - 7:05pm β€” bay breakouts: what you're working on + what inspires you
7:05pm - 8:05pm β€” focused work
8:05pm - 8:15pm β€” dinner/hang out: you're encouraged to bring dinner (we'll provide light snacks)
8:15pm - 8:30pm β€” demos + closing, or hang out after :)

​​​​​​​​​​​​what is ship-it?

  • ​​​​​​​​​​​a space for driven folks to hold each other accountable to make progress on an idea they're working on

  • ​​​​​​this is the 2hr/week you get to work on what you're truly passionate about

  • ​​​​​​​​​​the project you work on can be anything!

    • ​​​​​​​​ex. coding an app, recording podcasts, CADing, making beats, painting custom shoes

    • ​​​​​​​​as long as it's something you want to do and not your main "project" (that means no school work if you're a student, no job work if you're employed)

  • ​​​​​​​​​​at the end, we'll have 2 minute demos for people to talk about what they worked on β€”Β completely optional, so no pressure!

​​​​​​​​what do I do here?

  1. ​​​​​​​​build

  2. ​​​​​​​​show ppl what you’re building

  3. ​​​​​​​​get feedback + iterate + meet mentors

​​​​​​the most talented creatives and builders often don't get enough time and support to work on their own ideas. we exist to create a space where they can do so, every week.

​​​​​​​​​"i don't think I'm creative enough to join."

​​​​​​​​​your starting point doesn't matter. the only pre-requisite is the curiosity to show up with an open mind.

​​​​​​to become creative, you need to create. ship-it is the place to start, to be inspired, and regain your childlike imagination and drive for making things & sharing them with friends.

​​​​​​anyone is welcome!

​​​​​​​​​​​why this exists

  • ​​​​​​we've been procrastinating too much on our side projects, despite having fun building them

  • ​​​​​​class/work takes up too much of our time. this is a recurring, dedicated block of time to work on an idea

  • ​​​​​​ship-it inspires us to make progress alongside other likeminded builders, and to keep others accountable for working on what they're passionate about

​​​​​​house rules

  • ​​​​​​​​​​PLEASE DO NOT WORK ON SCHOOL OR JOB ASSIGNMENTS! if you don't know what to work on, we can help you find something :)

  • ​​​​​​​​​​act like a host, include ppl in conversations, talk to ppl even if they're strangers, offer to help out and clean up

  • ​​​​​​​​please do not to turn this into a networking event...

    • ​​​​​​​​the best world is one where we know you for who you are & the stuff you tinker on, not exclusively b/c of the cool stuff you do as part of your job!

  • ​​​​​​​​​​bring snacks if ur feeling generous :)

  • ​​​​​​​​for more info or announcements, join our groupme here:

Tech Square ATL
848 Spring St NW, Atlanta, GA 30308, USA