It's hot and (networking invitation inside)!

Anuradha Kowtha
Jul 19, 2022

Record temperatures here in the UK and across Europe.

As a giggle of the day, I wanted to share this: (image of a tweet that says: british people struggling in this heat wave..stay strong..your ancestors colonized entire countries in this heat).

But seriously, it's concerning that the media, government, and major companies are overlooking the issue and still nothing to name and address the root cause, capitalism.

We're covering grief this week in Sowing Post Capitalist Seeds for Business. And it is a reminder of the importance of making space for grief in our lives and work. Do you have a grief practice in your work?

This is one of the things I talked about in a recent chat with Faith Clarke - you can check out our ~28 minute chat here. (Quick note, you'll need to opt in with your email to get access).

And on the positive here, there are several worker led movements happening here right now that give me hope. We have a confluence of strike and other industrial action happening in both the public and private sectors: communication, transportation, legal, health, financial, and so on. And it continues to grow. I am in full support of labor getting their fair share of the wealth they have created through better pay, working conditions, and benefits.

I am planning a free monthly networking session for small business owners and trusted friends, a 60-minute virtual networking session focusing on a specific topic. This time I was hoping to discuss creating our ethical business blueprint, in a time of recession and climate destruction. You can sign up for our chat directly here.

From the event page: "You’re invited to a 60 minute discussion and networking session on sustaining and growing your business through economic hardship. We'll have the opportunity to discuss solutions to what feels most pressing in your business to date."

Details: July 26, 2022, 6 pm London/1 pm New York via Zoom.

Hope to see you soon!

In solidarity,
