Umbrellas, Joy, Accessibility, and Leadership

Anuradha Kowtha
Apr 2, 2023

​Good evening from London.

​It's a beautiful Sunday afternoon here! The little one and I played outside in with the jump ropes (we are loving our new Dope Ropes).

Last week was very taxing on my body. My nervous system refused to relax until things calmed down. It's thankfully all calm again after delivering an excellent training on anti-racism at a local school, a beautiful vow renewal, and a relaxing weekend.

I will be attending this online session on Rasa later in the month. Rasa or 'flavor' is an essential piece of natya (dance and drama traditions). In Bharata Natyam, the rasa of love - whether motherly love, devotional love, or romantic love. We covered rasa at length in Bharata Natyam classes but it is really at the heart of storytelling. And the more I learn about it, it's connected to the heart of Hindu philosophy and understanding. Last year around this time I took two classes in Katha'koli - storytelling from a Hindu perspective. As a dancer, we use our body for telling tales and the rasa or flavors we invoke in our dance movements (and the music, costume, etc) is meant to invoke a similar shift in the audience members. That these moments bring us closer to a spiritual unity with the divine. I continue to explore ways to embrace the art of telling stories and holding space for a transformation in others - as a dancer and as a faciltator.

Awhile back, I made this video on Shame as I processed my own shame. I recently found the video on marriage and abuse that I had mentioned and watched it again. We need to have different messaging for those in marriages (or any abusive relationship), that we can leave to take care of ourselves. Not stay and suffer and possibly die, rather than bring shame to our families.

As we just renewed our vows, my relationship with my former fiance pinged in my mind again. It was an abusive relationship and I wasn't supported in my decision to leave him. I lost most of my friends and my own parents recommended I stay with him despite the abuse. And I know those living through DV need our love, support, and resources.

On a happier note, we renewed our vows by the Thames this year in the pouring rain! Our hats, shoes/socks, and trousers were absolutely soaked by the time we got back home. What an adventure. Our little ritual brings me such joy. Here's us huddled under the umbrella.

​I think I'm finding my stride with this newsletter. I hope you enjoy this one. And you're always welcome to hit 'reply' and send me a note. I will read and respond!

​In solidarity,


New Resource / Content

I'm putting together a new webinar with FRESH content for you. We'll talk all things accessibility and

​In a few weeks, I'll be hosting a webinar on Accessibility. Time after time, companies use all sorts of excuses including budget to avoid making things accessible. I wanted to address the paradigm shift needed to focus on accessiblity, for you, your team, and your clients. Register here:


Ready to make your work place more accessible for yourself, your clients, your team, and your community?

​​​If you said, 'hell yes!' or even if you're a bit entrigued, this workshop might be for you.

​​​Perfect For: Business owners, community organizers, and non-profit founders—anyone who works with teams, clients, and communities who are ready to build an ethical and sustainable business.

​​​In this 90-minute workshop, discover:

  • ​​​Why you need to be creating an accessible business now more than ever?

  • ​​​What happens if we don't do it (or we do it badly)?

  • ​​​Our 3 step framework to creating a personalized action plan

  • ​​​Overcoming resistance and building momentum

  • ​​​Creating a clarity of purpose and action

​​​I'll be sharing some examples, stories, and practical things you can useful things you can implement and discuss with your team. When you register, you'll have a chance to submit a question. I'll do my best to answer as many questions as I can!

​​​Of course, I'll also be sharing a little bit about our new course, The Future is Accessible.

In Service

I was a bit nervous this week! Thankfully I'm a bit calmer after delivering a great workshop in person at a local school. I haven't been to school in years! My friend Selina Boshorin, a school governor (board member), had put my name forward for this series of trainings on Unconscious Bias. We had our first session and here's what she shared:

'Hey lovelies, I hope you are all fab. I wanted to share publicly my appreciation to Anuradha Kowtha. I had the pleasure to meet for the first time in person & be in on a very fabulous training session on Unconscious Bias. Anuradha is a total powerhouse and beacon of leadership in this area and delivered in such a joyous and fun way. Also congratulations on the celebration of your milestone anniversary.'

It was a delight and I look forward to leading other trainings. Get in touch if you want a series of interactive trainings for your organization or small business. Prices start at £3K.

And a couple people have reached out looking for some 1:1 mentoring and support. They needed at some personal support blended with anti-capitalist strategy. I have a limited number of these types of sessions open for the next couple of months at an affordable rate. These are separate from my business services and higher priced personal services like Discover 360. You're welcome to book time with me here to discuss what working together might look like.

​​Anuradha Asks

Do you want to host me in a conversation on Inclusion and Accessiblity this season? My course, The Future is Accessible starts June 1st. And I'd love to come share with your group or organization some excellent, timely, and easy to implement strategies on building accessibility into your marketing, websites, courses and trainings, or anything else that you may need. I am booking these 60-90 minute sessions through the end of May. I'll give high quality content and at the end, invite your audience to join the course. These sessions would be free of charge to attend and easy to share with your group - especially if they are in the non-profit or small business arena.

And if it makes sense, I can host you to share something valuable with my audience sometime in the next 12 months.

​​Reflection question: What brings you joy? I asked that very question in my workshop this week. It's something I keep bringing close to my heart. ​​

​​Upcoming Events

​Ethical Business Conversations - I still have time for these 15 minutes chats to answer your questions and hear a little bit more about your business. Find out more here.

​​Accessibility at Any Budget - a webinar talking about accessibility. Free to attend. I'll be sharing practical tips and inviting you to join my upcoming course - The Future is Accessible. Register here.

​Later in April, I'll be part of a summit for moms who are balancing homeschooling with their business with Amanda Schenkenberger. I'll be sending our further details soon.

I'll be hosting a conversation with my friend Eryka Peskin on trauma and how to be more trauma sensitive for those in the healing and coaching industries. Stay tuned for more details.

I have scheduled the next Ethical Business Networking sessions - for some reason the finance/tax one wasn't as popular as other topics but we had an excellent discussion on supporting suppliers and workers from the Global South based on this thread. Our next session will look at Unconscious Bias and Your Website. Let's talk strategies to make your UX (user experience more supportive and inclusive).

​​On the Bookshelf

Dating Dr. Dil, by Nisha Sharma. It's a love story about a Indian diasporic couple set in New Jersey. This story is getting quite interesting - I'm about halfway through.

I love children's stories and this week, I finally finished The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street by Karina Yan Glaser. It's a story of a biracial family in Harlem with 5 children. They are forced to move after their landlord refuses to renew their lease and the kids try to come up with ways to endear their landlord so they can stay.

One thing I love about the Libby app is you can check out an audiobook and return many times and it keeps your place.

I also printed this out for my kiddo and myself to look into where we need more support with Executive Dysfunction. It's an excellent printable that breaks down different components of ED. And the website features lots of other resources for ND people.

And I'm in the middle of reading this journal article on looking at the health system and how it doesn't support First Nations peoples in the US. It's a short piece called: Culture as Treatment: A Pathway Toward Indigenous Health Equity by Autumn Asher BlackDeer, PhD, MSW. It's free to check out.

I really felt the impact of this article as well - Met Museum kicked out someone for praying to their ancestral gods from Cambodia. I have frequently visited the V&A (Victoria and Albert museum) and in the Asian wing seen countless statues of Hindu and other dieties. I have felt the urge to make an offering, touch the feet of vigraham out of respect, or dance as this person did. And I have frequently felt the deep rage at these items on display, compounding the colonial trauma.

​What's on your shelf?