Sharing what's new this season!

Anuradha Kowtha
Oct 3, 2022

While the Tories are crashing the pound and driving our economy into the ground, many of us are continuing to link arms and push for change, here and around the world. Those movements of change and resistance live strongly in my heart.

Last week, I took the week off to celebrate my daughter's birthday! It was only yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital (or at least it feels like that!). What an inspiring young adult she is becoming.

It feels like my neurodivergent brain needs hates inertia, so stopping working and then restarting after a break are difficult transitions! I hear from other creative folks, that this is a thing for them too. What about you?

In addition, it feels like I'm in the middle of recalibration of sorts, especially in the ways I relate to people. I'm having a discussion on what makes strong partnerships over on my FB wall, chime in if you have thoughts. It's definitely time to create some stronger boundaries in my work, bring back in more group discussions and video/written content, and raising my prices.

The cost of living crisis is hitting hard and I want to be able to share my needs with greater ease. Previously, I would have subsumed my needs and hidden my feelings and chronic health things. I'm learning a new path with it all.

We've got public sector strikes continuing into the fall--#StandByYourPost (Royal Mail strikes) and RMT as well various other transport and train operators striking as well. But it looks like further austerity and public sector cuts are likely. Between high food prices and energy costs, it feels like a long, cold winter ahead. Yet, we must be considering what comes next. What do we do to push back against these far right and capitalistic policies, especially in our work and businesses?

This month's theme is: Building Beyond Capitalism--what comes next? That's what I hope to be be covering in some of the events we have lined up this season. 

In solidarity,

Upcoming events:

We've got a few activities planned for you all this season. We'll be adding at least 2 more events this season. You can book you place for our events here.

This month's theme is Building Beyond Capitalism: What Comes Next

October 10, 4 pm London/11 am New York, Ethical Business Networking, a free event for small business owners, non-profits, and community organizers

October 10, 5 pm London, noon New York, SPCS Membership Community Call, exclusive to our paying members

October 20, 4 pm London/11 am New York, Building Beyond Capitalism - What Comes Next? paid workshop, pricing is PWYC starting at £51.

October 27, 5 pm London/ noon New York, Accessibility at Any Budget, free 

November's theme is Nourish to Sustain

November 1, 3:30 pm London, Ethical Business Networking, free

November 13,  3 pm London / 10 am New York, Nourish to Sustain Online Retreat, £75, suggested price £91.

December's theme Setting the Stage for Thriving

December 13, 4:30 pm London, Ethical Business Networking, free