Your 'Tour of Grief'

Anuradha Kowtha
Nov 1, 2022

We recently had grief week in SPCS. We all shared where we were with grief and the way shifting our paradigms with capitalism & colonialism shifted something internally as well. And it felt like what has been showing up for many in the class and in my beyond has been a 'Tour of Grief'.

I coined the term last week and it feels fitting.

It feels like everyday is another day to grieve the world, the transitions, the loss. And it also feels like with each moment I allow the grief, allow the anger, allow the dissociation, allow the numbness, allow a tear, it brings me closer to a sense of wholeness.

It opens something up that gives space for the next piece, the next step.

This season has been tearing down things in my business and life and grieving them, but then also doing the intense 'ant' work of building anew. Like Joanna Macy shares, our tears of grief water the seeds so they grow.

Are you in a season of grief in your life or work? Are you grieving over the climate destruction and political climate? Are you giving yourself and your teams/family/communities space to have their own tour of grief?

Making space for that is crucial. It feels almost revolutionary in a world that wants us to be productive and worry about survival every single moment. It's something quite when we give time sharing our grief, feeling our numbness, asking people how they REALLY are and listening to the answers that emerge.

I read a line that will stick with me for a long time: 'Capitalism is the problem. Become aggressively anticapitalist in everything you do.' - Roderick Douglass. Honoring our grief is agressively anti-capitalist.

Over to you:

I ask you, how can you make more time for being agressively anti-capitalist in this world and how can you embrace and share your grief?

In this moment, you are safe to share your tour of grief with me.

I will witness.

And I will send back a nourishing prompt or phrase.

In solidarity,
