Whew. It's been a minute!

Anuradha Kowtha
Oct 13, 2022

It's been a whirlwind lately! It continues to be a juggling act to carry all that I hold and I notice how much more easeful I've been with it all despite the high levels of tension.

Last week I met with Roseanne, an SPCS alumni and member! She was visiting London and we met over at the Greenwich Market. We had a great conversation about our times in London and travel, moving, releasing anger/resentment, and more while enjoying the lovely afternoon. (And yes, that's my kiddo - she's getting so big!)

We're on Week 3 in Sowing Post Capitalist Seeds: The Legacy of Colonialism. It's always an intense week. And alongside that:

  • I'm trying to wrap up pieces that will support all SPCS alumni (that announcement is coming just as quickly as the team and myself can get it done for you!).

  • I'm still building the Discover 360 for Business/Ethical Business Blueprint resources. We took a huge step yesterday and now it's translating my brain words to paper!

  • We're moving SPCS to a once-a-year class. Soon you'll be able to apply all year and put down your deposit or extended payment plan so you're all ready for September 2023. You'll be able to sign up as an individual or business owner (with extra business modules/support).

  • Our ethical business networking is growing! We had several people show up earlier this week and I'm inviting even more people to join us going forward. Sign up for the next one in November. It's free and we have amazing discussions and connections.

  • I've been continuing to change my approach from a long standing pattern of overwork work and under resourcing myself to more ease, fun, and thriving. I'm rolling out new pricing, swapping some offerings, and exploring some new models and approaches. We've also brought in some freelance help on small projects to help us move faster.

  • We've got some community based events coming up later this year and early in 2023. Some of you might be getting personal invitations to contribute or participate! I'm going to have a tough time keeping it to myself!

  • We have a couple of paid events that you'll get a lot out of.

    • Our Building What Comes Next event is coming up - we'll be talking about marketing, sales, and other ethical business strategies that are timely and important to integrate into your work. It's all new materials that I'm putting together - Oct 20.

    • We are starting a tradition of an annual retreat. Eventually, it would be great to gather in person, but for now, we'll meet virtually. The theme this year is Nourish to Sustain. We'll be announcing our guest speakers soon, I hope it will be a nourishing space to process, heal, and create a foundation to sustain yourself and your important work.

On a personal level:

  • a few of my medical and health containers have ended and I'm in a better place healthwise but I still have to be cautious.

  • my kiddo is growing up too fast, we've recently celebrated her birthday.

  • we've also had the sudden notice three weeks ago that we're going to have to move. It's a long story full of a few $%£* words but we're hopeful about a place that we've applied on to rent. We may move in (pending referencing) in a few weeks and I may have my own office in this space.

  • Some of you have generously given in support of this move and it's more expensive rent (by £700 - the market is outrageous!). Thank you so much for your help.

  • I'm learning how to stop overworking and creating better boundaries, not to mention moving from doing the work of 8-10 people to a more reasonable workload (in and outside of work!) It's going to be at least a couple more quarters of work to get where I want to go, but I'm making huge strides with help from my support team.

Best ways you can support us right now:

  • If this is the time to dive into your ethical business work with me, I do have openings for projects or consulting engagements. This is an excellent time to put down a deposit and we can start our work between now and February.

  • I'm looking for speaking engagments - paid and free. Here's a bit more about my speaking experience and topics, and I'm happy to tailor something for your audience or group.

  • Or if you want to support in another way, I'd be delighted to hear about it.

I'll be sharing some new content soon - (after the doctor's appointment tomorrow!).

In solidarity,
