5 ways to balance savings and expenses:

Aug 14, 2022

We are often confused as to how should we enjoy the present, yet ensure safety for the future. And believe me, it's a tough battle, day in and day out.

However saving for future is a must, but so is living life.

So here are 5 steps you can follow to balance out your life:

1] Goal setting: Define your goals to achieve both in the short term and long term.

2] Goal-centric investments: Keep dedicated investment for a specific goal so that no misuse or diversion of funds happens for other goals.

3] Priority to various savings: Regular savings should be given priority and try to postpone spending as it can be delayed if not urgent.

4] Liquidity for the financial crisis: Emergency and short-term goals investment to be kept liquid and balanced for the long term in little high-risk return assets.

5] Allocating for asset class: Minimum of 30% of income must be saved and channelled into the investment asset class.


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​“In the markets driven by strong emotions, those who have right temperament are the true contrarians."

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