'But what can I do, I'm just one person'

Anuradha Kowtha
Sep 19, 2022

I hear this all of the time. In fact, I saw a meme going around social media last week and had to share it with you. I couldn't find the creator to give them credit.

It says, "'But what can I do, I'm a just one person,' said 7 billion people."

It's easy to feel hopeless or overwhelmed. The situation is pretty dire and you wouldn't be wrong to feel overwhelmed and unsure how you can make a difference.

But that is a lie.

We can all do something and in fact, if we're going to make the changes we need, we need us ALL to act. Many movements that created real change is because of 1 person speaking up and taking action. And many movements were built by people working together, have even more of an impact.

And that's exactly what we cover in our the upcoming Sowing Post Capitalist Seeds Foundation course.

We start next week and in 14 weeks, you could have a personalized anti-capitalist practice in place. We often hear from former students 1-2 years later, saying they have built that foundation and have had a deep internal and external transformation in the ways they show up in their lives, their work, their relationships, and their communities.

You'll know ways you can tap into resistance networks and communities building something new - for what's beyond capitalism.

Here's what a former client shared:

'I can see how capitalist resistance is not only possible, but already a part of how I've been living my life. I can now dig into those practices, lifestyle choices, projects with full abandon, knowing that my role in creating the new world after capitalism is being fulfilled in the things I find most joy in. If you have a feeling you don't like capitalism, but you can't pinpoint or explain exactly why, join this program! It has brought me so much clarity and given me the language I was missing to explain why I'm interested in creating something beyond capitalism.

Anuradha and Moriah are amazing, caring, thoughtful facilitators who model what post-capitalistic living can look like.'

- Lilly Garcia

There's still time to apply! Join us.

In solidarity,
