Last call

Anuradha Kowtha
Jun 23, 2022

Just like at our favorite library, where they turn off the lights as they close down to remind us of their closing hours, I'm here to dim the lights and remind you now is the time to sign up for Sowing Post Capitalist Seeds for Business for this round.

I have wanted to teach this course for at least the past two years and we're almost to the moment of our first call.

I won't be teaching this class again until 2023 and the price will be significantly higher. This intial enrollment period, we have an amazing group in this cohort and we'll talking about building our ethical enterprises in a sustainable and meaningful way. We have some new curriculum, fresh guest speakers, and some great hands-on things we'll be building and discussing together. And you'll have a 90-minute work session with me, to discover where to put your best efforts or discuss the strategies that will support you as you grow your ethical enterprise.

If you're at all interested, let's get started and get you enrolled ahead of the 6 pm London/1 pm New York call.

We always have a couple of folks who reach out at the last minute to ask to join or send in their application. This is your moment to do that. Fill out the application here. And we'll get your sorted.

Lights dimming and we're getting ready to gather! Will you join us?