Sun's out, Bun...ions out?

In many parts of the world, warmer weather is on the way, which means... it's time to let your skin get some vitamin D! While most people are focusing on that bikini bod, I want to look at your feet. No! It's not a foot fetish, it is your foundation though. If your house is built of cards, the things above those cards will topple. When our foundation is solid, the rest of that beautiful body of ours will stand the test of time, better. Check out these arches!

I IIIIII I work out!

The alignment of your feet affects everything above it. If there is dysfunction, over time that can lead to dis-ease. Whether you pronate or supinate, walk on your toes or walk with pigeon toes, you will affect something else that is relying on that solid foundation. Bunions, weak ankles, knock knees, hips pain and pelvic floor issues come to mind with poor foot health.

From E3 R3hab

But what causes these issues to happen in the first place Michelle? I am learning that the answer to all questions is: "It depends". There are many reasons for anything happening since our bodies are so different, variable and accommodating. We are always striving for balance. I guess the other answer would be:"It's complicated!". I am glad that you are looking beyond the symptom to the root cause. As John Hopkins University discovered that if bunion surgery is performed, the likelihood of a return of bunions is highly probable. Why? Because we did not deal with the cause, just the painful symptom. Let's explore. In my limited experience, tere are many reasons but foot wear is a big culprit, that make ones feet misshapen and thus a less than optimal "footing". Ha! See what I did there? To make ones feet look smaller and dainty or to make one run faster or to look taller, the shoe (and the foot too)has accommodated. Foot binding would be the extreme example here but shoes also modify foot shape and the integrity of your foundation.

In the book Born to Run by Christopher McDougall, Christopher explores, why he has foot pain and how the Tarahumara tribe can run a hundred miles easily and happily. In the Copper Canyon, which is greater than the Grand Canyon and just as dry with no injury, they run, sometimes just for fun. Most are barefoot but the ones that choose shoes makes them out of string and rubber tires. Notice the beautiful straight toes, straight form, ease of movement and smiles.

Most shoes have heels, you men are not exempt. If you look at a work boot or running shoes, there is a heel. In effect changing your running gait to one of more of a heel strike instead of using our natural springs, our arches (by landing on the balls of our feet and rolling through). Try running bare foot and you will understand what I am talking about. The heel strike barefoot runner would not last very long. This can cause shins splints, among other issues. Padded heels in running shoes all started circa 1980s in the Olympics with Ben Johnson. Back then Nike created Ben's shoes with heel padding encouraging heel strikes...... and a longer stride. This is an unnatural, dysfunctional movement pattern, but Ben won medals so the heeled running shoes live on.

That is just the running shoe. All heeled shoes change your posture creating an exaggerated anterior pelvic tilt; (think sway back) and shorter, tighter muscles and tighter, weaker tendons, oh and back pain.

Enter the minimalist shoe. There are places where you can order a kit to make your own Huaraches (what the Tarahumara wear). Perhaps you might enjoy the whole process. When I walk around on trails locally, I wear my vibrams' five fingers. Nothing beats the grippiness of that hiking shoe. I prefer them over a regular hiking shoe or boot. I do not have ankle issues though. The fact that I can spread my toes and feel the bumpy ground beneath my feet give me better proprioception. Oddly, I disliked toe socks growing up; these, however, do not bother me one bit. They are odd looking and like motorcyclist, we fivefinger wearers acknowledge and appreciate others of our kind. Although quite practical, this is not something I can wear every day. I am looking for a nice trail shoe that I can wear in public and some dress shoes that are classy and flat-tering (teehee) without compromise my feet or squishing my toes. For this I look to the experts. Check out MutuMamas Barefoot Shoe Guide to browse her favourites. She is all about pelvic floor health. There's a bunch more advice about alignment and the best shoes for your feet too. Below is an excerpt from her website.

What are barefoot shoes?

'Barefoot' shoes refers to shoes that protect your feet, but that's all they do. No cushioning, arch support, no squished or pointed toes, and definitely no heels. The idea is that your body can then move in correct / natural alignment, your feet can feel the ground, and all the ligaments and muscles and tiny bones of your feet get to work and move as they should.

Barefoot shoes have room for your toes to wiggle, so you need a nice wide toe box. There should be no raised heel and they should hold your foot without you having to hold them. That means that flip-flops are not great, sadly - you have to grip them by scrunching your toes which can lead to bunions or arthritic issues. If you have worn heels all of your life, it might take a minute to get those heels to come down to the ground. You might need a transitional shoe, but you are worth it.

Why are they good for you?

There's advantages for your pelvic floor of walking in more natural alignment too. Because the biomechanics of healthy walking means that your glutes do the work, your toes spread and drive you forwards, and your whole pelvis and core is in the right place to work. Who knew? Go here for more cool geeky fascinating stuff about alignment and how it affects, well, everything.

What Type of Feet Do You Have? Below are five common foot shapes, and while there are many more, chances are your ‘ideal foot’ falls into one of these categories.

Is there anything wrong with having your second toe longer than the rest? No. Is there anything wrong with having the same length toes all the way across? Again, no. Your ideal foot is unique to you and there are many different looking feet that are healthy and highly functional. That is what we are looking for, highly functional feet; That strong, sturdy foundation. One thing that you can do right now to help your feet is to let those piggies run free. Walking around barefoot on different surfaces, gives your feet plenty of opportunity to be challenged. Running barefoot on grass is great for rebuilding your arches; One guy presented in the "Born to Run" book went from a size 13 (flat foot) to size 10.5 (now arched). His prescription was running barefoot on grass for 15 minutes everyday. Amazing!

Another great thing about being barefoot is grounding. It is not just a matter of being outside, your feet must be on the ground, not on anything manmade, not shoes, not concrete. It helps us to reconnect, to come home to that energy that we all evolved with; the natural EMFs, the Schumann resonances. Fun fact: When you ground for half an hour after travel via airplane, you will adjust to the Schumann resonance of that area and not have jet lag. Do it! Let me know your results. I am so curious about this.

From E3 R3hab

No matter what your foot shape, everyone wants to avoid overlapping toes, bunions, hammertoes, or toes that are unable to articulate properly. Our feet are not as dexterous as our hands, but they should be able to move freely and dynamically. You can find shoes with that wide toe box to encourage your feet back to where they belong. Using the model above, you can use the foot shape to help decide on the barefoot shoe that is right for your foot shape. Luckily there are plenty of good looking choices out there. I'd put my feet in most of them. So for those time that you need / want to protect your tender tootsies, check out her instagram page. This is a good article and I love her style with this blog, it is so helpful. She corrected her bunions naturally and shares her journey. Her energy is very positive and bright. She has an extensive list of shoes to choose from and has reviewed them all. A great resource indeed.

Below are different nonAnya exercises to do to help you.

There are some products out there to help with realigning your toes to a not scrunched position. The purpose of corrective spacers is to bring your foot back to its natural shape, with strong, flexible, and useful toes that can help you balance, run, jump, lift, and support your weight to keep your body moving functionally for many years to come.

I have used Awesome Toes and can now see the nails of my 4th and 5th toes because they are straightening out. Thanks to those cute little (size 5) red numbers I bought back in highschool, I just had to have them and that was the only size. I am size 8.5, so my feet looked so cute too and tiny. Ah to be young and resilient....My pinky toe and second last toe have been curled under ever since. But now, wearing toes spacers is helping albeit very slowly. I like these spacers because they are soft silicone and I can wear them in shoes that have a wide toe box like Lems. Another silicone product that interests me is Correct Toes; also silicone, they don't go around the pinky or big toe and you can add spacers to both the big toe/ second toe and 4th toe/pinky toe sides. If you guys decide to get them, please share your thoughts. It helps us all.

This whole newsletter started because I need a new pair of shoes. Lems are so comfy (even with toe spacers in!) but I tend to just wander down trails and they don't have good traction for that. At all. Look at all this good information I found! I can't just buy shoes (it's complicated. Ha!), I must go down many rabbit holes. Your coming with me. Heehee!

Not enough can be said about being proactive to correct muscle imbalances. Awesome Toes are great but I don't think that they are enough. I think using all 33 of those muscles just in the feet are necessary to make long lasting change. We should include the ankle and calf as well; so over 100 muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones to move us around down there. It is complicated, indeed. There is alot going on! So to help with those exercises, you can check out Anya's dexterity (I am in awe).

There is also these exercises and explanations:

Exercises to prevent bunions surgery:

Yoga for bunions:

and more and different exercises for foundations stability:

Please join my ToeGa Yoga Tue, Jun 28, 5:15 PM PDT. We will explore these concepts, exercises and more. Register on the events page of this website or click the Toega link.

Until next time, let the feet run free!



​Disclaimer: The information above is never intended to substitute as medical advice. Nor is this information USDA approved. If you need medical advice or medical care then go see a medical professional or a functional medicine doctor. I am a yoga instructor with a passion to learn. I like to share my findings. If this helps you jump start your rabbit hole search then I am glad to help. If you have any comments or input regarding the newsletter or questions regarding yoga, yoga breathing or if you would like a personal yogic / breathing consult then email me. I am happy to help.