Two Poses for Restless Legs Syndrome

Do your calves cramp up while you sleep? Do your feet point and flex uncontrollably? Do your toes get all gnarled up like they belong to an alien? Me too. Part of these symptoms of restless leg syndrome could mean an electrolyte imbalance or deficiency; perhaps you need more magnesium or potassium in your diet. makes an electrolyte for optimal sports performance using 1000mg sodium (chloride), 200mg potassium chloride and 60mg magnesium malate. It is far superior to any other electrolyte that I have found because they use quality ingredients in optimal ratios and there is no sugar (like on most other electrolyte supplements). Supplement with either electrolytes or a good quality potassium and magnesium (take any magnesium but not mg oxide nor mg stereate which are poorly digested cheap fillers). Warning, some magnesiums (as in mg citrate or “Calm”) can cause loose stools, ahem; you may want to start slow with them.

Aside from supplements there are research papers that you can review such as the “Effects of a 12-week yoga versus 12-week educational film intervention on symptoms of Restless Leg Syndromes and related outcomes: and exploratory randomized controlled trial” or “Efficacy of an eight-week yoga intervention on symptoms of restless legs Syndrome (RLS): a pilot study”

Or you could jump straight into two pre-bed poses to practice daily that will help to alleviate these symptoms. Pose #1: Pins and Needles. Pose #2 Three legged Dog. We will practice both of these in class tonight. See you at four. Please send me any questions that you have.

Stay bendy,
