It's been awhile..

Anuradha Kowtha
Jul 13, 2022

Hiya! I missed you.

I know, I disappeared for a couple of weeks. I meant to take a few days off after SPCS for Business started to rest and refresh.

But life had other plans! We had a plumbing emergency that turned into the ceiling in the kitchen collapsing and our landlady refusing to do the repairs because she doesn't have insurance. She intends to force the council to pay for the damages instead. It's been exhausting.

That whole incident really distracted me and put us all in crisis mode. We're ok now, but the state of the kitchen and when it will be fixed is still on my mind. We have considered the possibility of moving. It's going to be expensive and I just don't know if I have the spoons.

In that direction, I have some spaces open for my Discover 360°. It's a container where we dive into who you are, what you're hear to do, and creating life/work/relationships that align with your essence and ways of being. I've worked with over 35 people in this work and from a practical level, The most common things we hear after working together: our clients feel recommitted to their purpose and their why, they embrace their idosyncracies and unique patterns as strengths not defects, they stop judging themselves and feel a deep sense of peace and acceptance of who they are, they act with more clarity and decisiveness moving forward.

I've had clients leave abusive relationships, relocate to a different country, change professional fields or move into more purposeful work, start selling their art or embark in writing professionally, save their business partnership or grow their business sustainably and ethically. While these aren't guaranteed results, it reflects the diversity of clients and their situations.

As you can see, you can't just 'buy now', I'm selective on who I work with, because it's a deeply intimate work and I am holding space for the possibility of huge change while we work together and beyond.

Discover 360° is an intimate container, 5 calls together and 3 months of support. It's one of my favorite ways to work privately with people. Right now, until the end of the year, I have 6 open slots. Many people are drawn to this work when they are in times of transition and ready for deep, aligned change.

Over the next few weeks, I'll be sharing some resources, events, and insights about doing this work in relation to building an ethical business and why understanding who we are and our essence matters and is at the heart of doing aligned and ethical work in the world.

In solidarity,
