Why do Hedge Funds and PE don't make sense?

Feb 5, 2023

Most hedge funds have a 2-and-20 fee structure: A 2% management fee on the assets—a 20% performance fee on the profits. Whether the market goes up, down, or sideways, the management fee is paid. In the long run, it's even worse.

The higher the management fee, the lesser you will have after 40 years. In reality, it's even worse - No hedge fund can guarantee a constant return of 8%. Turnover costs and taxes will further reduce your returns.

Suppose you invest $100k at age 25 with a hedge fund that makes an 8% profit every year. You are charged 1.5% on assets, and a 20% performance fee. When you retire at 60, you will have $764k. But your manager will have $1.24MM - at no initial investment!

On the other hand, with a low-cost ETF that returns just 6% with an expense ratio of 0.1%, you will make $933k after 40 years - $280k more than a 2&20 fund. A hedge fund will beat you in 17 years on average. But an ETF would take 1500+ years to do the same!

Classic Warren:

Warren Buffett always recommends buying into the S&P 500 over picking stocks. But in 2005, he raised the stakes with a $500k bet: "Nobody can select a set of at least 5 hedge funds that would match the S&P500 over ten years." Only one person took up the bet - Ted Seides.

So what happened to Buffett's bet?

Ted Seides picked 5 funds-of-funds, investing in over a 100 hedge funds. In 10 years, the 5 funds made 2.2% on average - before fees. 60% of those gains were diverted to managers. The S&P500 returned 7.1% - and won hands down.

Not all active funds underperform - But for the average investor, it's very hard to pick the right ones. In fact, Buffett believes so strongly in the S&P 500 that 90% of what he leaves for his wife will be invested in the S&P 500, not even Berkshire Hathaway!

If you're invested in a low-cost ETF, good for you.

If not, maybe it's time to take another look at those fees.

In conclusion:

You have two options to invest your money long-term: A hedge fund with an 8% return and an ETF with a 6% return.

Choosing the right one can save you $280k more before retirement.

That's an extra ten years of spending!

So which one should you choose?


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​End-Week Wisdom:

"Fees never sleep." - Warren Buffett

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