Cover Image for Alternative Career Paths for Students: Startup Founders
Cover Image for Alternative Career Paths for Students: Startup Founders
Hosted By
58 Going

Alternative Career Paths for Students: Startup Founders

Hosted by Startmate
Past Event
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About Event

Contrary to popular belief - work can actually be fun/cool/inspiring - even meaningful.

We're hosting an event for uni students that will showcase how you can a) hack the system b) find work that will actually bring you joy c) make friends along the way.

Hint: The key to doing this is STARTUPS.

Startups are this wonderful mix of inspiration, risk, reward, community… the list goes on.

Huddled and Wonki founders (also Student Fellowship alumni) are a living breathing representation of this. They have chosen the non-traditional path of founding. AND THEY LOVE IT.

Come join us on Tuesday 21 May at the Startmate office for free drinks/nibbles, a panel discussion and FUN. You'll also learn about some exciting internship opportunities.

We've got a few free places to give away in the upcoming Student Fellowship cohort. You wouldn't want to miss this.

What: Panel discussion with Student Fellow alumni
Who: Uni students in Melbourne (or visiting Melbourne) (18+ event)
When: Tuesday, 21 May at 5.30 pm
Where: Startmate office

PSA: Student Fellowship applications are open (closing 27 May) - Apply here.


Wonki: Vodka pre-mix made with fresh, funny-looking produce. Saved from becoming food-waste.

Huddled: A university communications platform that's actually designed for students.

15 Newton St
Cremorne VIC 3121, Australia
Hosted By
58 Going