Cover Image for Lessons from Black Women's Writings: Enoughness and Creation
Cover Image for Lessons from Black Women's Writings: Enoughness and Creation
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Lessons from Black Women's Writings: Enoughness and Creation

Hosted by Amara Amaryah
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“What about this theory

The fear of not being enough

And the fear of being ‘too much’

Are exactly the same fear

The fear of being you”

  • Nayyirah Waheed

An invitation to collectively remember the wisdoms and power of Black women’s writings. Writers and creators are welcome to sit with and honour the generous and generational wisdoms of Black women writers in this safe space. Through reading and receiving, we can learn how some Black women writers developed a sense of enoughness and created art that changed/changes themselves and the world. 

This space is held by poet and author Amara Amaryah who will guide us to a space of welcoming and redefining enoughness. We’ll write, reflect, offer and recreate our versions of being enough in our craft and lives. This gathering is for creators of all kinds. Come with an open heart and an open mind as we treat these wisdoms with respect and learning. 

Who is this space for?

This is a space for everyone who wants to appreciate the words from Black women’s mouths and writings. It’s for artists who want to be in community while discovering writer’s works and voices. It is an opportunity to listen and respond to Black women in a world that has often silenced them and dismissed the vastness of their literary endeavours. If you’re curious about wellness/self-knowing and how it intersects with creative processes, this will be your sweet spot. 

Honouring and respecting the opinions of others is a necessity in this space, especially those of Black women who are in attendance and wish to share how this speaks to their lived experience. Come with love in abundance.  

Hopefully you’ll leave this workshop with:

​✺ Appreciation for Black women writers’ wisdoms

​✺ An expanded archive of Black women’s writings from across the diaspora

​✺ A chance to write and consider with others in a virtual global gathering

​✺ New approaches and definitions of being enough

​✺ Prompts that speak to mindful creativity 

​✺ Aligned community

​​Additional info::

​~ The ticket includes full access to the workshop presentation with additional guided prompts and exclusive resources for your future self-study.

~ Bring along your journal, something to write with, and your favourite beverage for this session. 

​~ This session will be offered via Zoom. The link will be made available a day before the event. 

​~ This session will not be recorded.

​~ Closed captioning will be available for accessibility. 

​~ This is a virtual event set for 2 hours. This is a guideline as there will be space for connection at the start and end of the workshop. 

Additional information:

​​Amara Amaryah is a poet, travel and wellness writer, author, and nomad. She writes the Life Is In Love With Me newsletter, a landing place for travel memories and love stories. After graduating from the University of Birmingham with a first-class English Literature degree as the recipient of the Tess Winnall prize (awarded for the highest dissertation on the course on Maya Angelou’s autobiographical series), Amara discovered her literary love rested in Caribbean poetry and Black women’s autobiographical fiction. As a young professional, Amara ventured into the world of digital marketing, only to quickly understand that her gifts were not well placed in an office environment nor the hyper-online nature of life as a Digital Marketing Manager. She packed up her apartment, pivoted her career, and left the UK to travel the world, teaching English and travel writing for various publications. Amara’s travel and wellness writing has been published in Time Out, Condé Nast Traveler, ESSENCE, AMAKA studio, The Good Trade, SELF, Well+Good, Travel Noire, Black Ballad, and more. She has made homes in car-less islands on the Caribbean coast of Central America and small mountain towns in Mexico. Solo travelling introduced Amara to the possibility of shaking limiting beliefs and choosing life. She loves this the most and is committed to writing about it while travelling slowly in her favourite places in the world. 


​​Her debut poetry pamphlet ‘The Opposite of an Exodus’ was published by Bad Betty Press in 2021. Amara’s poems have since been published in The Caribbean Writer, Lolwe, Wasafiri, Poetry Birmingham Literary Journal, Under the Radar Magazine, PREE Lit Mag, and translated into Spanish in the Colombian publication Arcadia. In 2019 the poet was invited to perform a collection of poems at the Cosmopoética literary festival in Córdoba, Spain. Recently Amara was invited to read poems virtually at the USVI Literary Festival & Book Fair 2023 as part of the Writer’s Bacchanal. She has also read on various stages in the UK including Birmingham’s Hippodrome as a part of the Hippodrome Young Poets collective and The Royal Shakespeare Company. Prior to her poetry, Amara was selected as a writer for the TYPT:16 sold-out production HATCH, by Talawa Theatre Company, the leading Black British theatre company in the UK. A few workshops that she has most enjoyed teaching include an experimental poetic form session with Trust + Travel and a virtual poetry and storytelling session with The Mix UK.


​I can't wait to share space and reflections with you! Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions. Sign up to The Easeful Place for more updates.

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