Cover Image for Nervos & Friends: Powering Web3 Mass Adoption

Nervos & Friends: Powering Web3 Mass Adoption

Hosted by Adele & 3 others
Past Event
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About Event

4 月 14 日,Nervos 和她的伙伴们将举办《如何推动 Web3 大规模采用》主题活动,活动将聚集JoyID、Matters Lab、.bit、UniPass、DOTTED 等众多 Web3 优秀项目,一齐探讨 Web3 的未来,为所有人解锁 Web3 新技能。

在《Powering Web3 Mass Adoption》主题 Panel 中,来自行业的领袖们将探讨讨论如何有效地将 Web2 用户吸引到 Web3 的去中心化世界中,并了解摆在项目和用户面前的独特挑战和机遇,探索如何最大限度地发挥去中心化技术的潜力。

活动中,我们还准备了不同项目的限量周边,更有 Airdrop 环节惊喜不断,欢迎所有在香港的朋友前来参加。


Join us at the Web3 Festival in Hong Kong for an exclusive side event hosted by the Nervos Foundation, Matters Lab x JoyID x .bit x DOTTED x UniPass

JoyID, and .bit! As the world continues to embrace the Web3 revolution, our expert panel will share insights on how to attract Web2 users to the decentralized world of Web3 effectively.

This engaging and informative event will feature thought leaders from the Nervos Foundation, JoyID, and .bit as they discuss strategies for bridging the gap between Web2 and Web3. Learn about the unique challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for businesses and users alike, and explore how to maximize the potential of decentralized technologies.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to connect with fellow Web3 enthusiasts, developers, and entrepreneurs while gaining valuable insights from industry leaders. Seats are limited to 150 attendees, so reserve your spot today!

Event Agenda:

2:00 PM - 2:30 PM: Registration and Networking

2:30 PM - 2:40 PM: Host's Opening Remarks and Partner Introductions

2:40 PM - 3:20 PM: Panel Discussion - Powering Web3 Mass Adoption

3:30 PM - 3:45 PM: Prize Distribution

3:45 PM - 4:00 PM: Group Photo Session

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM: Socialising and Refreshments

About the Co-host


Nervos Network 是一个开源的公链生态,包含以区块链技术为核心、相互兼容的一组分层协议,来解决区块链可扩展性上的困境。Nervos CKB 是 Nervos Network 中基于 PoW 共识机制的底层公链,在允许任意加密资产获得安全性、稳定性和无需许可性的同时能够支持智能合约、第二层扩容方案,并且通过「价值存储」的加密经济设计使得原生代币 CKB 捕获整个网络的价值。

Nervos is a flexible blockchain platform, providing freedom of choice to developers, out-of-the-box interoperability with other blockchains, and the ability to adapt quickly. Nervos’ key focus is interoperability and abstraction, achieved using a RISC-V-based virtual machine with no hard-coded cryptographic primitives.

JoyID by Nervina Labs

JoyID是一个去中心化的钱包,为私钥管理提供无密码、无助记词和社交恢复方案。它依托于Passkey和账户抽象技术,实现硬件级别的安全保障和生物特征认证,从而带来更加便捷的使用体验。JoyID部署于Nervos CKB,并且兼容EVM,进而成为未来各类应用的通用账户协议。

JoyID is a decentralized wallet that offers a passwordless, mnemonic-free, and social recovery solution for managing private keys. It is based on Passkey and account abstraction technologies and provides hardware-level security and biometric authentication for added convenience. JoyID is deployed on Nervos CKB and is also compatible with EVM, making it a universal account protocol for future apps.

Matters Lab

Matters Lab 是一個建立在去中心網路上的創作社群與底層協議,Matters.News 是華文最大的 Web3 創作平台,迄今累積10萬名註冊創作者,致力於搭建一個多中心、底層確權、社區自治、及可持續的創作者經濟樣態。

Established in 2018, Matters Lab is the massively popular Web3 social media ecosystem redefining the creator economy. With our inaugural project Matters.News, a self-regulated community of more than 100,000 creators, we have built a decentralized content publication ecosystem that is committed to user experience, quality content, and free speech.

About the Partners


DOTTED 致力簡化數碼擁有權及推動 Web3。我們提供以 NFT 為先、專為手機而設的視覺體驗。我們一系列的服務及工具讓加密貨幣原住民及新手、企業和任何能與互聯網連接的人,可於一個平台上輕鬆管理所有 NFTs。如有興趣了解更多資訊,歡迎瀏覽 及我們的 Twitter @dttd_nft

DOTTED is simplifying digital ownership and empowering Web3. We provide an NFT-first visual experience that is tailored to your phone. Our suite of services and tools help crypto natives, newbies, businesses and anyone with an internet connection manage all their NFTs in a single place. For more information, visit and our Twitter @dttd_nft


.bit 致力于通过自主身份的发展,帮助每个个体和社区充分释放潜力并发掘更多可能性。作为唯一的跨链统一DID协议,.bit 将为更多人提供服务,不仅仅只是 Web3 用户。.bit 立志打造最实用、最适用的基础设施工具套件,维护世界每一位用户的身份主权。

.bit dedicates to assist every single individual and community to unleash their potential and discover more possibilities through the development of self-sovereign identity. As the only cross-chain unified DID protocol, .bit provides services for more than Web3 users. .bit determines to build the most practical and applicable suite of infrastructural tools, safeguarding the endowed right of identity sovereignty for each bit of the world.


UniPass 是一个低门槛的,非托管智能合约钱包解决方案,提供 seedless,gasless 的用户体验。

UniPass 可以让用户在无需管理助记词的情况下,通过 Gmail 或者 Email 就可以注册一个非托管的智能合约钱包。同时,基于我们的链上邮件社交恢复方案,当用户丢失钱包或者账户受到威胁时,可以很轻松地重获钱包的掌控权。

UniPass 提供了 Popup,Flutter,Unity,Unreal 等一系列 SDK,可以帮助应用快速 onboarding 海量的 Web2 用户进入 Web3 世界。

UniPass 产品链接


UniPass is a non-custodial smart contract wallet that provides a seedless and gasless user experience.

UniPass allows you to have a crypto wallet without the need to remember recovery phrases. Our email-based social recovery solution will make it simple for you to regain access in the event that you ever lose it or are even compromised.

We are creating wallet SDKs for all platforms and all kinds of use cases, helping them onboard the next 100 millions of mass users onto Web3.

More information:

UniPass Wallet
