Cover Image for Inside: Techstars NYC Powered by J.P. Morgan
Cover Image for Inside: Techstars NYC Powered by J.P. Morgan
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Lynx Collective
Events and programming for startup founders and operators, hosted by Lynx Collective

Inside: Techstars NYC Powered by J.P. Morgan

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New York, New York
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About Event

About Event

​Techstars launched its first NYC program in 2011 and has been a mainstay in the NYC startup ecosystem. The program is led by Managing Director KJ Singh and Investment Manager Christine Lu Hong.

Techstars NYC Powered by J.P. Morgan is open to companies located anywhere and founders of all backgrounds. For fall 2024, they are paying special attention to strong technical teams working on disrupting industries in FinTech, Health, Supply Chain, PropTech, and ClimateTech with a particular bias towards companies building in Enterprise, Vertical SaaS, or AI/Infra.

​In this fireside chat, we'll learn more from Christine Lu Hong about:

  • ​What Techstars is looking for when evaluating applicants

  • ​Truths and myths about startup accelerators

  • ​A behind the scenes look at the program

​For founders interested sending a late application for the September program, you can directly email Christine at:

​​​​Event Details and Logistics

​​This event is in-person at the Techstars NYC office in midtown NYC. Priority will be given to potential Techstars NYC JPM applicants.

​​​Anyone is welcome to view a recording of the session; please sign up for the 'recording only' ticket type.

About the organizers (Lynx Collective)

​Lynx Collective’s mission is to empower and advance the NYC startup ecosystem. We foster connections through our programming, educate founders via our weekly newsletter, invest in ambitious startups both as angel investors and through the NextWave NYC fund and provide guidance through our advisory work.

​Lynx Collective was founded by Andrew and Dorothy Chang, both 20 year veterans of the NYC startup ecosystem

​​​​About Techstars NYC powered by J.P. Morgan

​Techstars NYC powered by J.P. Morgan is an accelerator program focused on startups that aspire to make humanity and the planet healthier and wealthier. For fall 2024 we are paying special attention to strong technical teams working on disrupting industries in FinTech, Health, Supply Chain, PropTech, and ClimateTech with a particular bias towards companies building in Enterprise, Vertical SaaS, or AI/Infra.

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
New York, New York
Avatar for Lynx Collective
Presented by
Lynx Collective
Events and programming for startup founders and operators, hosted by Lynx Collective